MBA Banking & Finance | MS 04| Introduction to Financial Accounting |IGNOU


Accounting is often called the language of business. The basic function of any lan-guage is to serve as a means of communication. In this context, the purpose of ac-counting is to communicate or report the results of business operations and its various aspects. Though accounting has been defined in various ways. According to one commonly accepted definition. "Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are; in part at least, of financial character and interpreting the results thereof'. Another definition which is less restrictive interprets accounting as "The process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgement and decisions by the users of information"


Data creation and collection is the area which provides raw material for accounting. The data collected is `historic' in the sense that it refers to events which have already taken place. Earlier, accounting was largely concerned with what had happened, rather than making any attempt to predict and prepare for future.

After the historic data has been collected, it is recorded in accordance with generally accepted accounting theory. A large number of transactions or events have to be entered in the books of original entry (journals) and ledgers in accordance with the classification scheme already decided upon. The recording and processing of informa-tion usually accounts for a substantial part of total accounting work. This type offor recording may be manual, mechanical or electronic. Computers are also used widely in modern business for doing this job.

Data evaluation is regarded as the most important activity in accounting these days. Evaluation of data includes controlling the activities of business with the help of budgets and standard costs (budgetary control), evaluating the performance of business, analyzing the flow of funds, and analyzing the accounting information for decision-making purposes by choosing among alternative courses of action.
The analytical and interpretative work of counting may be for internal or external uses and may range from snap answers to elaborate reports produced by extensive research. Capital project analysis, financial forecasts, budgetary projections and analysis for reorganization, takeover or merger often lead to research-based reports.

Data evaluation has another dimension and this can be known as the auditive work which focuses on verification of transactions as entered in the books of account and authentication of financial statements. This work is done by public professional accountants. However, it has become common these days for even medium-sized organisations to engage internal auditors to keep a continuous watch over financial flows and review the operation of the financial system.
Data reporting consists of two parts-external and internal. External reporting refers to the communication of financial information (viz., earnings, financial and funds position) about the business to outside parties, e.g., shareholders, government agencies and regulatory bodies of the government. Internal reporting is concerned with the communication of results of financial analysis and evaluation to management for decision-making purposes.

The central purpose of accounting is to make possible the periodic matching of costs (efforts) and revenues (accomplishments). This concept is the nucleus of accounting theory. However, accounting is moving away from its traditional procedure-based record-keeping function to the adoption of a role which emphasises its social importance.

Prof. Amrita Jha
Management Faculty 
